Department Construction & Infrastructure
Emanuele Brunesi is a Researcher at Eucentre.
After his undergraduate studies at the University of Pavia, where he received his BSc degree (magna cum laude – September 2007) in civil engineering and his MEng degree (magna cum laude – December 2009) in structural engineering, he started collaborating with Eucentre (January 2010) on national and international research projects for the European Commission, the Italian Department of Civil Protection and private companies.
In September 2010, he obtained a scholarship to join the School for Advanced Studies of Pavia (IUSS Pavia – ROSE Programme), receiving his MSc (May 2012) and PhD (December 2014) in earthquake engineering and engineering seismology.
Since January 2011, Emanuele is a chartered professional engineer in Italy.
He has authored peer-reviewed journal papers focused on computer methods in applied engineering and mechanics, field observation of failures and experimental testing of structures and structural subassemblies/components.
He is a reviewer for several international journals, speaker in international and national conferences and co-advisor of graduate and undergraduate students.