On Tuesday 10 September the Eucentre Foundation received a delegation from the ASEAN countries, Association of South-East Asian Nations (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar). The delegation is a guest of the National Civil Protection Service for a week of training and exchange of experiences and good practices. The aim of the visit is to strengthen technical and scientific knowledge and collaboration between Italy and the ASEAN countries for the disaster risk reduction. In this context have been planned visits to some centres of competence of the Department of Civil Protection– CIMA Foundation and INGV and Eucentre precisely– with formative moments and field visits that will allow participants to enter in contact with some of the scientific excellence that can be used by the Civil Protection System.
The event, organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and for International Cooperation, opened on Monday 9 September in Rome, at the headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, with the greeting to the participants of the Head of Department Angelo borrelli and visits to the operating rooms and the Central Functional Centre. On Tuesday, the delegation was able to visit the Eucentre laboratories and discuss with the Foundation’s researchers on disaster management issues. On Wednesday 11, the delegation was also able to visit the offices and laboratories of three relevant companies in the world of constructions, Freyssinet Italia, Hilti Italia e Mapei, companies that have been important partners of Eucentre for several years.