Funded by the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), the BORIS project (Cross BOrder RISk assessment for increased prevention and preparedness in Europe) focuses on the assessment of seismic risk and flood risk, having cross-border impact-potential in several countries participating to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. BORIS aims at increasing the protection from cross-border disasters by developing a shared methodology for single and multi-risk assessment as well as a web-based platform for single and multi-risk assessment and representation with a harmonized approach, for an effectively agreed and shared transboundary risk assessment. The methodology and platform will be practically applied in two pilot case studies at cross-border sites (Italian-Slovenian and Slovenian-Austrian borders) involving seismic and flood risk as well as multi-hazard risk assessment. This will allow to evaluate the data needed in the selected cross-border sites, test the procedures and effectively perform cross-border seismic and flood risk assessment, as well as multi-risk comparison and ranking. The platform will facilitate the visualization, storage, updating of data, models, documentation and the representation of damage and impact data following a common metrics approach. Eucentre is participating in the project as a member of the CI3R consortium.