Web Application
The EUCENTRE Foundation makes available decades of expertise and experience to institutions and industries for the development, integration or optimization of technologically advanced software tools in the field of seismic and structural engineering and emergency management.
The software tools, developed thanks to the most recent open source technologies by a dedicated team of computer specialists and subject to a strict quality control, are generally web based, dealing with the following areas:
- Numerical modelling and analysis with formulations based on several levels of knowledge of infrastructural elements:
- Calculation and dimensioning of systems of structural reinforcement;
- Creation of annotated photo databases for the development of dataset for machine learning, for the automatic detection of structural damages;
- Documental repositories (i.e. storage and management of the document workflow according to management rules);
- Webgis systems for the analysis of data and scenarios, with presentation on maps;
- Systems for the management of assistance to the population in case of an emergency.

Webapp for modeling of bridges, with different levels of detail, from non-linear finite element analysis to simplified analysis with the aim of evaluating the infrastructure vulnerability. Modeling can be carried out by filling in dynamic forms or by using a graphic editor which represents the elements as blocks which can be freely placed and connectable, in order to obtain a facilitated view of the structure. The tool features a wizard for the quick compilation and data backup in a database and multiuser system.

Tool for the sizing of structural reinforcements for different types of constructions such as:
• Reinforced concrete structures;
• Masonry structures;
• Timber structures.
Through a simple and intuitive interface, the system guides the user in the construction of the section and in the implementation of the reference parameters. The calculation software provides the bending response, compression and shear before and after the application of the reinforcement system, in addition to the drawing up of the diagram of deformations and of the interaction domain.

The platform includes a representation map of the infrastructural elements (infrastructures of the road system, of harbors and airports). The system allows research by municipality and by identification elements; in case of harbors, it also available the display of layouts and specific elements. The platform gives access to risk assessment of the infrastructures, useful in order to fund programs for the mitigation of risk. In the event of earthquakes, the platform can calculate damage scenarios in real time, it can determine the shaking scenarios based on the up-to date data provided by the INGV, or by importing directly the shake-maps created by the INGV.

DESIGNA is a managing system created by EUCENTRE for the Civil Protection Department (DPC) to be used in case of an emergency for the monitoring and management of the information on the assisted population. Various operators (DPC, Regions, Municipalities, hotels) are still using the system. It allows the monitoring of the type of accommodation offered to families, including the follow up and real time verification of costs of assistance. This system helps eliminate redundancies, reduce response time and mistakes, which is a benefit for everyone.