For many years there have been discussions on how the effects of natural disasters can be countered, and it is now known that the only weapon we have in regards to catastrophic events is prevention. Only prior good training can make prevention effective.
Eucentre, European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, firmly believes in the importance of knowledge, education and training of students and professionals. Together with the legislators, they have the power and the duty to make the world a safer place.
The Eucentre Education Department is the means through which the Eucentre Foundation provides highly qualifying training.
To achieve this goal, the Education department includes the main direct and indirect instruments to guarantee quality training.
The instruments available within the department are:
- the organization of continuous training courses, a meeting point between the professional world and the world of research. The courses offered deal with a wide range of topics, focusing mainly on seismic risk and seismic engineering, but also touching on transversal themes that may be of interest to the professional world;
- the support to study and research, which Eucentre provides to the students of the School of Masters and PhDs of the UME Graduate School, to the students of the University of Pavia and to the Professionals, in the form of the services provided by Eucentre Library. The Library is specialized in seismic engineering and it is connected to the network of university libraries in Pavia, which collects publications of national and international prestige and has numerous subscriptions to international magazines of great interest;
- the publication of the scientific journal Progettazione Sismica, a magazine focusing on issues related to seismic engineering which aims to bring the professional world closer to academies and institutions;
- the publication of high-value scientific volumes.
By offering these services the Department of Education and Eucentre Foundation aim to be one of those good encounters that lead to knowledge.
High Training in Seismic Engineering
Training and research in seismic engineering:
an inextricable gordian knot