ECOSTRESS (Ecological COastal Strategies and Tools for Resilient European SocietieS) will be focused on the search of better-integrated strategies through the strengthening of the risk prevention and disaster management cycle of the coastal zones.
These complex systems are defined as land regions near the sea comprising all natural and human related elements potentially at risk due to flood.
The project will include (i) a review and analysis of the available frameworks, methodologies and tools (FMT) which can be readily applied for coastal risk, (ii) the developed/improved FMT and their implementation in a model system and (iii) their application (demonstration) for the selected hot spots.
(Specific Objectives) Based on the four priorities of the prevention call, the project aims at:
- (priorities 1 & 4) Examining the feasibility and the cost-benefit of risk prevention measures related to the use of wetlands, coastal marine systems and dry lands to naturally mitigate flood. The implications of ecosystem-related decision-making will be analised;
- (priority 2) implementing risks assessment and risk mapping methodologies aiming at integrating the outcomes of risk assessment and eco-system capacity based planning, related to the coastal flood risk, but open to the implementation of multi-risk approaches;
- (priority 3) evaluating the potential to facilitate and support increased coverage of disaster risk governance, both in public risk governance solutions or re-insurance market strategies.
Project Coordinator: Dr. Andrea Taramelli