Department Risk Scenarios
Dr. Alberto Gotti is a physicist of the University of Milan with over 24 years of experience in environment and health impact assessment, data assimilation and exposure modelling.
In the last 15 years, he worked 7 years for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, for the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, for Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki and in the last 2 years for the Eucentre Foundation.
Dr. Gotti has an extensive experience on environment and health impact assessment, exposure modelling including biologically-based toxicokinetics models, development of dose-response relationships based on both Biology-Based Dose Response modelling and epidemiological approach, climate change processes and policies, use of GIS for environment and health impact assessment, statistical data analysis and techniques to assess and reduce uncertainty in human health risk assessment.
He was involved in the EU-funded projects ICAROS-NET, SMAQ, HEIMTSA, 2-FUN, HEREPLUS, TAGS, INTERA, URGENCHE, INTEGRA, CROME-LIFE, CHERRIE and in the ongoing ones ICARUS, PEC and GRIN.
Dr. Gotti is Vice-President of the Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection (MESAEP).