Department Industrial Products
Igor Lanese, Ph.D., is the Scientific Responsible of the 6D Shaking Table and Damper Testing system of Eucentre experimental laboratories.
He took his Laurea degree in Civil Engineering in 2007 at University of Pavia with 110/110 cum laude, Ph.D. in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (EE/ES) in 2012 at IUSS of Pavia with final evaluation of “Excellent” and the M.Sc. in EE/ES in 2015.
He is working since 2007 in the field of theoretical and experimental research in earthquake engineering.
The main topics of his research include advanced experimental techniques, real-time dynamic hybrid testing with sub-structuring, structural health monitoring, experimental characterization of existing structures and seismic isolation.
The research activities of the last years also include numerical and experimental assessment of existing buildings and retrofit techniques based on fiber-reinforced polymers.
He actively participated in several national and international research projects and in the post-emergency in situ surveys after the 2009 L’Aquila and 2016 Amatrice earthquakes, also teaching courses for professional engineers on the assessment of civil and historical buildings.