Current position:
Employee with a fixed-term contract at EUCENTRE – European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering – Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
He participates in the project “Seismic risk of the road system on a national scale”
sponsored by the Civil Protection Department, as WebGIS platform developer.
Technical skills and competences:
- Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux knowledge;
- Microsoft Office and OpenOffice knowledge;
- Eclipse IDE knowledge;
- Android Studio IDE knowledge;
- NetBeans IDE knowledge;
- Visual Studio IDE knowledge;
- Android technology knowledge;
- WEB technologies (HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript) knowledge;
- JQuery and Ext js knowledge;
- GIS technology knowledge;
- C, C++, Java and VB.NET knowledge;
- UML knowledge;
- Network protocols knowledge;
- SQL and MySQL DBMS knowledge;
- PostgreSQL knowledge;
- Git knowledge.