Department Industrial Products
Maria Rota is researcher at EUCENTRE since 2011 and member of the Department of Industrial Products.
She graduated cum laude in civil engineering at the University of Pavia (2002) and at the Corsi Ordinari of IUSS, Pavia (2002).
She completed a Master (2004) and a Ph.D. (2007) in seismic engineering at the ROSE School of Pavia.
Between 2002 and 2011 she had several collaborations with the University of Pavia, with EUCENTRE and with the Department of Civil Protection. From 2008 to 2011 she had a Post-Doc Fellowship at the University of Pavia.
In 2017 she obtained the national qualification as Associate Professor of Structural Engineering.
She collaborated and coordinated the EUCENTRE activities in several national and international projects.
She is the author of over 100 scientific publications and serves as a reviewer for many scientific journals.
Her research interests include:
- Modelling and analysis of masonry structures;
- Seismic vulnerability and risk analysis at large scale, with analytical approaches and statistical processing of observed damages;
- Structural reliability of existing masonry buildings in seismic zone, with stochastic approach.