Dipartimento Supporto all’Emergenza
Dr. A. Taramelli is Faculty Professor at IUSS Pavia, reader in Remote Sensing and Surface Coastal Process Science at the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Rome, Adjunct Research Scientist at Eucentre and Lecturer at UME School, Pavia.
His research interests are on processes linking climate and geomorphology with remote sensing and geophysics analysis, from the potential impacts of future climate change on surface process, to the study of how continental-scale weather patterns influenced the surface process development.
Lead (Poc) of the Group of Earth Observation – DI-01-C2: Geohazards Monitoring, Alert, & Risk Assessment.
Member of the working Group: Marine Sciences For Society.
Member of the Group of Earth Observation GEO 2012-2015 Societal Benefit Area (SBA) EC-01-C2: Operational Monitoring of Key Ecosystems & Related Services.
Member of the Group HOs – European Hydrographic Offices and European Commission representatives – to build up a business case study on coastal mapping using Lidar Bathymetry and Hyperspectral airborne acquisition with BSH (Germany), SMA (Sweden) and SHOM (France).
Topography and surface change, Remote sensing, Natural Hazard, GIS.