In June 2019, the European project TURNkey (Towards more Earthquake-resilient Urban Societies through a Multi-sensor-based Information System enabling Earthquake Forecasting, Early Warning and Rapid Response actions) started. The project was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 821046. TURNkey lasts three years and involves 21 European institutions (including universities, research centers, and private companies) coordinated by Stiftelsen NORSAR (Norway). Among the main project participants there is also EUCENTRE that plays a key role in the development of the different activities. The focus of TURNkey is to close the gap between theoretical systems and their practical application in Europe to improve the seismic resilience before, during, and after a damaging earthquake.
To learn more and follow TURNKey, please visit the project website at the following link.