At the 6DLAB laboratory, inaugurated in 2017 with seismic experimentation on non-structural elements as the main objective, dynamic characterization tests were carried out on a false ceiling system produced by Rockwool Italia – Rockfon.

Figure 1 – Test Specimen mounted on shake table.
The specimen was connected to a rigid steel frame designed by the staff of EUCENTRE.
The performed test procedure included, as specified by ICC ES AC156 (2015), both resonance search test and seismic simulation tests. The following paragraphs give information on the signals used for these tests, their characteristics and their generation.
Beside the ICC ES AC156 (2015) seismic tests, other tests reflecting the requests of the ISO 13033:2013 standard were performed. The required response spectra for those tests were developed adapting the ISO 13033:2013 to the formulas included in the EC8.
For ICC ES AC156 (2015) tests were performed referring to four different seismicity levels derived for the Italian seismic context, whereas for ISO 13033:2013 tests were performed referring to five different seismicity levels derived for the Italian seismic context.
Figure 2 – RRS for Horizontal (a) and Vertical (b) Acceleration Level.
Following the test, analysis of the achieved table motions demonstrated that the Test Response Spectra (TRS) calculated from those motions approximated the RRS for all three orthogonal degrees of freedom, as reported in Figure 3 for higher level.
Figure 3 – Comparison of TRS and RRS Horizontal (a) (b) and Vertical (c) for test at higher level (ISO13033-SuperHighS).